Episode 7 | Destination X:  A Foiling Expedition to Central America in an Undisclosed Location from the Winter '22 Issue of Session Magazine

Episode 7 | Destination X: A Foiling Expedition to Central America in an Undisclosed Location from the Winter '22 Issue of Session Magazine

"Life is for the adventurous. That's the attitude we take whenever embarking on a journey devoid of upfront details but rich in downstream rewards. Pulling the trigger on a trip with a list of unanswered questions is the essence of adventure. Such was the case of our Foil X excursion to Central America..." Hear Session Magazine Publisher Russ Scully retell the tale of the journey to a coveted foil destination somewhere in Central America where the only requirement is ... you don't tell anybody where you were. From the Winter '22 issue of Session Magazine. Read the article at: https://www.session-magazine.com/issues/destination-x-a-foiling-expedition-to-central-america.html